Temporary Tattoos

Temporary Tattoos

These temporary tattoos enable you to create your own personal intention-setting ceremony to catalyze a plant spirit's healing message into real personal growth and understanding.

Each pack contains three 2-inch tattoos, the plant spirit message, a suggested affirmation to use as you apply, and an invitation as you do so to invite the plant's healing energies into your life.



Multiple IDs:

Chamomile (Stability)

Chamomile's essence is that of STABILITY and reminds you that even when you are faced with challenges and difficulties, your soul’s warmth, serenity, and equanimity are always present within.

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Dandelion (Release)

Dandelion's essence is that of RELEASE and will help you detoxify, one thought at a time, releasing negativity and self-judgment, and restoring ease and flow to your life.

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Forget-Me-Not (Awareness)

Forget-Me-Not essence is that of AWARENESS and raises your awareness of your connection to all beings in all realms.

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Hawthorn (Courage)

Hawthorn's essence is that of COURAGE and supports a strong and protected open-hearted state so that you can truly come into your own divine strength and power.

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Iris (Inspiration)

Iris's essence is that of INSPIRATION and helps revitalize your connection to divine guidance so that you can see, feel and express your true passions and allow inspiration and creativity to flow. 

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Nasturtium (Vitality)

Nasturtium essence is that of VITALITY and encourages your spiritual and thinking self to come into balance with earthly, physical reality.

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Pansy (Resonance)

Pansy's essence is that of RESONANCE and helps strengthen your connection with your own heart's knowing.

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Rose (Joy)

Rose essence is that of JOY and is comforting and soothing, infusing your heart and soul with gratitude and joy and helping you to stay centered and loving to yourself (and others).

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Stargazer Lily (Surrender)

Stargazer Lily's essence is that of SURRENDER and helps you to surrender to the unconditional love that the universe has flowing toward you. You are worthy and you are always enough.

$5.50 2 in stock
Sunflower (Confidence)

Sunflower's essence is that of CONFIDENCE and humbly reminds you of your true magnificence, instilling acceptance and understanding and allowing loving compassion to flow from your heart.

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Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden
Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden
Nicholas Pearson
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle
Sold Out
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle
Lisa Estabrook