
View By Stone


Orgonite is used to cleanse negative energy and to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our body. It can help improve your life physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Peridot opens the heart fully to receive grace and gratitude from the Universe.

Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood can assist anyone who is feeling stuck or experiencing being frozen in time.

Picture Jasper
Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth.

Pink Amethyst
Pink Amethyst

A movement toward emotional balance and overall peace, Pink Amethyst is known to instill feelings of understanding, calmness, trust, and grace.  

Pink Opal
Pink Opal

Pink Opal is a lovely stone to keep with you as it helps to bring joy back into your life.

Pink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is one of the ultimate crystal healing tools for matters of the heart.

Polychrome Jasper
Polychrome Jasper

This vital energy can rejuvenize your core and re-ignite that “fire” within.


Prehnite is a stone of Unconditional Love, showing the path to spiritual growth and harmony with nature.

Purple Opal
Purple Opal

One’s third eye will immediately become unlocked when first tapping into the energy of this stone. Our own psychic abilities come to life, as well as an increase in one’s mental capacity as a whole.


Pyrite is a stone of protection. Creates a defensive shield against negative energies, enviromental pollutants, emotional attacks and physical harm. Helps to see behind a façade.


The most versatile healing stone amongst all crystals, Clear Quartz amplifies any energy and intention.

Red Jasper
Red Jasper

Red Jasper is used to bring clarity of mind.


Rhodochrosite can help guide one to emotional happiness, move forward after a period of doubt, and express love toward others without fear of rejection.


Rhodonite is a stone of patience. It helps us to see both sides of an issue.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz encourages unconditional love for oneself through its strong connection to the Heart Chakra.

Ruby in Kyanite
Ruby in Kyanite

Ruby and Kyanite together is a strong powerful stone that will help to bring dreams into reality while releasing old patterns that are not for our highest good.

Ruby in Zoisite
Ruby in Zoistite

Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality, and growth.

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz infuses your body with Divine Light and energizes your chakras.

Samadhi Quartz
Samadhi Quartz

Samadhi Quartz carries and radiates the warm, loving energy of the earth and stimulates the Heart Chakra in a profound way.


Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor. It is forever associated with sacred things and considered the gem of gems, a jewel steeped in the history and lore of nearly every religion.


Scolecite is the stone of “inner peace”, and will be the perfect remedy for anyone looking to relax, especially after a long day. 


Selenite is best known as a clearing stone. It can clear you, a space, or other stones of stagnant or negative energy!


Septarian crystal, also called Dragon Stone, is a wonderful stone to wear or carry with you if you speak in public, as it gives you confidence and allows you to gain an audience’s attention.


Seraphinite is a powerful stone that will fill your life with powerful light energy.


Serpentine is capable of realigning our entire chakra system and acts as a driving force in altering our current life path. 

Shiva Lingham
Shiva Lingham

Shiva Lingham is an egg-shaped stone made of Jasper. Linghams are smootg, due to natural river-tumbling. Symbolizing the Hindu god Shiva's union with the consort Kali and activating the base and sacral chakras, a Shiva Linham raises and controls kundalini energy. 


Shungite is said to be the “miracle stone” for its ability to clear radiation and disharmonious vibrations, and its ability to act as an energetic filter.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression.

Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing in nature.


Sodalite is an extraordinary stone uniting logic with intuition, encouraging spirituality and deep thinking.


Sphalerite is here to help ground your energies and activate your lower 3 chakras. It raises one's courage, drive, and focus levels to heights they never knew they had within. 


Spinel is excellent support for those recovering from trauma or illness as it reduces fatigue and replenishes depleted energy levels.


Sunstone with its powers of the sun and light clears and cleanses all the chakras, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit.


Tektites resonate at a very high frequency, enabling one to elevate their consciousness to new dimensional heights. 

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a stone of protection that is also stabilizing and grounding.

Tiger Iron
Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron is beneficial for burnout or emotional exhaustion and is a very grounding stone that helps bring you to the present moment.

Titanium Quartz
Titanium Quartz

Titanium Quartz will make you feel grounded, centered, and energized all at the same time.

Tree Agate
Tree Agate

The most important feature of tree agate is that it works on the root cause rather than symptom. 


Turquoise is perhaps the oldest stone in history, a stone of protection, strong and opaque, yet soothing to the touch and healing to the eye.


Unakite balances the emotional and spiritual bodies and also provides the gentle release of energetic blockages.


Vesuvianite releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint, dissolves anger, and alleviates fear and negativity.


Yooperlite can be used to attract positive energy into your life, or to protect you from negative energy.

Zebra Jasper
Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jaspers energy is very motivating, mood lifting and energetic. It carries within it a reminder to the bearer that it is impossible to lose all of one’s energy and love by giving it away.