Tarot, Oracle Card Readings or Healing Sessions with Beverley

Tarot, Oracle Card Readings or Healing Sessions with Beverley

  • Beverley offers sessions both in-person and remotely.
  • In-person sessions are offered only on dates with the Person icon next to the date.
  • Remote sessions offered on any available dates, and you can choose phone, Zoom or Facetime. Beverley will contact you at your appointment time for remote sessions.
  • 15 minutes for $40
  • 30 minutes for $80
  • 45 minutes for $120
  • 60 minutes for $160 

Tarot/Oracle Readings: Beverley specializes in helping individuals with shifting perspective, bringing about self-awareness, and creating self-empowerment. Her readings allow individuals to see what is holding them back from living in alignment by shedding light on areas for the client to consider and work on.

To assist her, she uses Tarot cards, Oracle decks, affirmation cards, and a pendulum for divination. Beverley has been working with the Tarot since 2011 and began reading publicly in 2019. She is a certified Tarot Reader and a certified Life Coach. 

Energy Healing Sessions: From time to time, life can get hectic and overwhelming. A healing session with Beverly is an invitation to slow down and rest. Often, ailments or life blocks can manifest from chakra imbalances. By focusing on removing energetic blocks and balancing the chakras, she enables her clients to access new levels of healing and relaxation. 

Beverley is a certified Reiki Master and has added her own intuitive style to the energy healing sessions. She uses both hands-on and hands-off approaches to her healing sessions and utilizes a pendulum for both checking and clearing energy during the session. Beverley has studied the chakra system extensively, after wanting to learn about her own ailments and dis/ease. She uses her knowledge and experience from her own healing journey, as well as a strong connection with her guides, to help others find improved wellness. 

Next Availability

Monday, November 11
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Thursday, November 21
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Monday, December 16
5:00 pm-9:00 pm

Sunday, December 22
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Beverley Raymond

Beverley Raymond

In 2011, Beverley became quite ill and started seeking alternative, holistic healing methods. She started attending classes at Circles of Wisdom, and began her spiritual journey to discover a deeper meaning to life. Through her healing journey, she developed an interest in energy healing, working with the Chakra system, Tarot, and psychic work. She has completed two Life Coaching certifications, in 2017 and 2021. She completed a Tarot certification in Salem MA during 2019. She teaches meditation classes, and provides tarot and oracle readings, as well as energy-healing sessions.

Beverley is described by many as “the Jane of all trades.” She holds many additional certifications, ranging from group fitness instructor to crime & criminology. She wishes to use her skills and knowledge to help others on this wild ride called life.She loves sharing wisdom gained throughout her own life journey and has been a guest on six different podcasts, including sharing her take on Tarot Reading in episode 31 of “The Three Guys Podcast”. She holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and brings the “woo to the Blue”. She also volunteers for a Pug rescue in the northeast.

Click here to see Beverley's Podcast