Spiritual Mediumship Sessions with Dianne Rockwell

Spiritual Mediumship Sessions with Dianne Rockwell

  • Dianne offers sessions both in-person and remotely.
  • Remote sessions are offered on any available dates, and you can choose phone or Zoom. Dianne will contact you at your appointment time for remote sessions.
  • 30 minutes for $65
  • 45 minutes for $95
  • 60 minutes for $120

With much love, compassion and understanding, Dianne uses her gift of mediumship to connect with your loved ones who have passed on.  As she connects with those in spirit she brings forth the knowledge that they are still with you here as you move through your life – they are simply in another form. 

Dianne encourages her clients to remember their loved ones are always with you, to look for the signs around you as she provides reassurance that you are not alone but simply need to listen and trust. 

What to expect from a mediumship session with Dianne:

When we gather, either in person or remotely, I will begin by explaining how I “sense” who is joining us. I may “see” them clairvoyantly- in my minds eye, I may “feel” their presence and describe their personality and character traits. I may “hear” a name connected to them or someone you know, and they often will share fond memories you’ve shared as a way of assuring you they’re really here with you. They may tell me about being at a significant event or that they’ve met the new baby to reassure you they have not missed out on any of your family’s celebrations. Often they just drop in to offer support and say “I see what you’re going through”, to let you know they’re cheering you on, and you’re never alone. And you may even hear from a beloved pet, for they are still a part of your life.

There are no guarantees of a connection with a certain loved one, but often it is they who have nudged you to make the appointment, and are first in line to reassure you. My hope is that your session offers compassion and gentle healing to both worlds- from those who miss being with you physically to those here who miss them. It is important to me that you feel safe and supported throughout our session, and leave with a knowing that you truly received a “Message From Home”. 

Next Availability

Sunday, October 27
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Friday, November 15
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Wednesday, November 20
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Friday, December 13
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Wednesday, December 18
In-Person or Remote
12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Dianne Rockwell

Dianne Rockwell

A lifelong intuitive and psychic, Dianne was gifted with a spiritual experience that occurred many years ago. During this incident, she was gifted with a glimpse of the immense beauty that awaits us at our true Home, on the other side of this physical life.  

Shortly afterward, she discovered that she was able to receive messages from those in spirit, an ability to see, hear and feel their presence along with the great love they have for us. She has been further blessed to have studied with some of the most respected mediums in the world, from the U.S. and England.

Dianne is honored and humbled to be able to serve spirit, and considers it a sacred contract to be able to act as the switchboard operator between worlds, delivering information on behalf of your loved ones, a reminder that they are not gone- they are just different.  For more information please click here