Raw Selenite Tealight Holder

Raw Selenite Tealight Holder


We currently have 1 in stock.

The Selenite Natural Candle Holder is recommended to use it as a harmonizer of the environment.

When heated by the effect of the candle lit inside, it emits negative ions that are beneficial to humans to achieve mental clarity and peace.

Selenite works to clear and protect any space, unblock stagnant energy, infuse it with a smooth flow of positive energy, and shield against outside influences.

Ideal to use in Meditation and Spiritual Work spaces. Selenite also reactivates and recharges jewelry and other healing crystals placed near it. Selenite Candle Holder is a must-have energy tool to purify and cleanse the aura in any space.

sourced from Morocco

Weight: 1.5 - 2 lbs

Circles of Wisdom

Shaped Crystals Selenite Candle Accessories

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