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Jane E. King
JaneE King, Founder of Medicine Drum LLC, is a Certified Brennan Healer, a certified Hypnotist, Ordained Minister, earth ceremonialist and Educator with over 20 years experience teaching and practicing energy medicine.
She has facilitated Medicine Drum drum building workshops throughout the country since 1997. Jane E. King offers individualized healing sessions and life changing group programs utilizing the healing wisdom of the ancients. Her tools include drum, rattle, crystals, shamanic trance, singing bowl, human voice and many other esoteric tools as called upon by the energy field of the individual.
For more information please visit her website: www.janeekinghearthealer.com or you may contact her at 603-731-1646 or jane.e.king@gmail.com
10:00 am-5:00 pm
Join us for this amazing opportunity to create your very own personal Shaman Drum! Travel to Deer through a guided inward journey where you will commune and communicate with deer receive your personal message from deer. Then you will instill your personal message through out the workshop process into your drum.