Past Life Regression Exploration Group

Past Life Regression Exploration Group

Andrée Cordella


Friday, October 18
6:30 pm-9:00 pm EST
Friday, November 15
6:30 pm-9:00 pm EST
Friday, December 20
6:30 pm-9:00 pm EST

  • New members are welcome to join this group at any time and there are no pre-requisites. Each session is limited to 15 participants.The intention is to form a Circle where we can build the bond of community as spiritual growth is accelerated
  • You may bring blankets and a pillow if you wish to lie down for part of the evening. 

This group is a progressive, practical and experiential class designed to accelerate your spiritual growth. Together we will work to clear the path and assist you in moving toward your true life's purpose. Andrée Cordella has trained extensively with both Brian Weiss in Past-Life Regression Therapy and Dolores Cannon in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

All too often we are blocked by issues brought in from our past lives. These energetic blocks can stop us from achieving our highest goals and obtaining complete happiness and fulfillment. If we do not work towards eliminating and clearing these we continue to struggle by these limitations. Ultimately they create distress that leads to dis-ease in the body.

In this series of classes, Andrée will introduce you to hypnosis and the reason clearing is important. She will guide you through several past-life regression techniques that will give you to access to some of the previous lives you have lived. This technique allows you to receive emotional, spiritual and physical healing. In addition, it can assist you in discovering your life's purpose, achieve a better understanding your relationships and receive guidance from your Higher Self.

In a spiritual community setting, you will learn how to track your shifts from class to class. As you set your intention for future clearings we will discuss how to map your progress through journaling. You will find that you begin to notice the synchronicities in your life as blessings. As these past lives are cleared you will experience accelerated spiritual growth as well as easy and natural access to a freer you.

This class will encompass a wide variety of teachings that may include learning how to break a soul agreement bond, meeting your spirit guides, traveling to a future life and energy release techniques. You will experience techniques for profound relaxation and for deeper self-understanding. These techniques support memory retrieval from an earlier time period in this lifetime as well as from prior lifetimes as you access higher spiritual states and merge with your own highest wisdom.


Andrée Cordella

Andrée Cordella

Andrée Cordella is a certified hypnotherapist and past life regressionist who trained extensively with both Brian Weiss in Past-Life Regression Therapy and with Dolores Cannon in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. 

Since training with Dolores Cannon she has come to be recognized within the Dolores Cannon community as one of the few Level 3 dedicated Practitioners of QHHT. Andrée has developed vast experience in a number of spirit-based modalities' that support this work.

Although Andrée has been naturally intuitive throughout her life, receiving important insights from childhood on, it was her collision with an 18 wheeler and near-death experience that was pivotal in her growth. Following the accident and the subsequent out-of-body experiences, Andrée began to experience a deeper and more profound connection to the other side. She was learning about our true nature as humans and how we fit in the natural order of life.

She was at the peak of her career as a successful advertising and design executive when this life threatening accident occurred. While working to bring herself back to health from her injuries, she was guided onto her spiritual path. 

Soon, she knew she found her calling. When studying with Dolores Cannon and practicing the QHHT work she was brought into the presence of the Divine once again, something she had not experienced since she was told she had to return to the earth plane.

From that point forward, she became certain of her real life's mission. Andrée became convinced we all can benefit if we learn how to connect to our own individual calling. She is now certain that once we know what we came here to accomplish, we will naturally and easily step onto the path of our heart's greatest desire and fulfill our soul's mission with true joy, love, and make a compassionate contribution toward all humanity. 

Andrée is committed to helping you find your true calling.

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