Kuan Yin Spray
We currently have 4 in stock.
Kuan Yin Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
Spray this mist to help you feel and act with mercy and compassion and to invite the same in return from others. Use this citrusy floral aroma to help you aid all sentient beings from suffering, including yourself. With intention, enhance your spirituality, wisdom, strength, and powers of transformation.
Use these positive thoughts when using Kuan Yin Spray: Affirmation: I am love. All that surrounds me and all that is attracted to me is love. I look within and love all aspects of myself exactly as I am. I attract love, joy, and happiness into my life, and I am comforted. Blessings are always present. I have an entourage of angels and spirit guides at my beck and call.
Aromatic Blend Notes
citrusy, rosy, floral, and heavenly
Bach Flower Essences
Centaury, Chicory, Gorse, Holly, Water Violet
Gemstone Essence
Green Aventurine, Magenta-dyed Agate, Pink Opal, Rose Quartz
Chalice Well Water; Spring from Mother Mary’s home in Anatolia, Turkey; St. Germain in France, Lanzon, Teotihuacan, Manitoba Springs, St. Anne’s Cathedral in Quebec
Synergistic proprietary formula received through Divine Inspiration by Margaret Ann Lembo.