
Monthly Healing Support Circle

Ellen Bent, Renee Walsh


Wednesday, September 18
12:00 pm-2:00 pm EST
Wednesday, October 16
12:00 pm-2:00 pm EST
Wednesday, November 20
12:00 pm-2:00 pm EST
Wednesday, December 18
12:00 pm-2:00 pm EST

The Healing Support Circle extends a warm welcome to all individuals at various points in their healing journey. It is our desire to create space open to all. We welcome not only those well-versed in energy healing but also individuals curious about energy healing and its potential, those who wish to experience this energy.

This supportive community thrives on the exchange of insights, techniques, and personal experiences related to energy healing and our connection to this energy. It recognizes that healing is a multifaceted journey, and this circle becomes a sanctuary for both givers and receivers of healing energy. Our monthly gatherings will include diverse topics within the realm of energy healing as well as sharing and practicing the many applications and practical tips that can be integrated into our daily lives.

The focal point of our gatherings is collective practice—creating a sacred space where members can freely channel and exchange their healing energies. This approach emphasizes experiential learning and encourages participants to actively engage in the transformative art of energy healing.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen your practice or someone in need of healing, this circle invites you to join a community where ancient wisdom meets modern application. Together, let us explore, learn, and contribute to the collective journey of healing.

Ellen Bent

Ellen Bent

Ellen is a Compassionate Energy Healing Practitioner and Medium. She has studied Mediumship with teachers in New England and visiting from the UK. Her work includes teaching spiritual classes, workshops, healing circles, private sessions, mentoring, co-hosts a monthly Grief Group, and Connecting with Spirit Guides Workshop.

Ellen is a Certified Practitioner in Intuitive Energy Healing and Shamanic Energy Practitioner completing a two year Shamanic Energy Healing School, Reiki, Fire Reiki, IET, and Magnified Healing.

Ellen recognizes the pain and deep loss with death. At age 9 she lost her Father suddenly. Her grief brought her to a Medium decades later. Hearing he was with her during her big life moments, her spiritual journey began. Your loved ones want you to know they are with you and want to help you heal. As a heart centered empath, she feels what you feel.

Ellen works with your emotional wounds without judgment and supports you in releasing these heavy energies and replaces them with high vibrational energies. Mediumship is a wonderful tool for healing. Ellen is devoted to her work and is passionate in assisting others to heal. 

Renee Walsh

Renee Walsh

Renee's journey of self-discovery began in the mid-1990s when she questioned her "place" in the corporate world. She delved into a variety of metaphysical modalities, including meditation techniques, crystal therapies, Angel cards, and psychic development techniques. Her quest ultimately led her to the Destiny Card system, which she found to be transformative.

In 2008, Renee fully committed herself to the Magi Fellowship, a group dedicated to the study of the Destiny Cards. Since then, she has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in various holistic practices and has earned certifications in Advanced Akashic Healing, Astrology, Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, and Melchizedek & Arcturian Healing methods.

Renee offers individualized personal consultations and relationship readings using her mastery of the Destiny Cards. She also teaches classes on the Science of the Cards, allowing others to benefit from her wisdom and insight. With her additional certifications in various holistic practices, Renee is well-equipped to provide transformative healing sessions to her clients.

Whether you are seeking clarity about your life path or looking to heal and grow spiritually, Renee's services can guide you towards your goals. She is committed to helping individuals find their true purpose and live their best lives.

Energy Healing Sessions with Ellen Bent
Energy Healing Sessions with Ellen Bent

Energy healing can aid in the process of making peace with one's past, letting go of grief, loss, repeating patterns, and replacing it with high vibrational energy, love and compassion. This, in turn, can empower clients to embrace self-love and foster positive energy in their lives.

Awakening Connections: A Guide to Mediumship & Intuition
Awakening Connections: A Guide to Mediumship & Intuition
Wednesday, September 11 In-Person
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Join experienced healer and medium Ellen Bent as we explore mediumship, spiritual development, and more. Connect with like-minded individuals and discover new tools to deepen your understanding of spirituality. 
Mediumship Development Circle
Mediumship Development Circle
Wednesday, September 11 In-Person
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
The focus of this group is the development of your connection with Spirit. Time will be spent in meditation and other supportive practices for deepening your awareness - as well as instruction and practice to better understand the language of Spirit, and effective and helpful presentation of evidence. Open to all levels.
Spiritual Cafe: Monthly Discussion Group
Spiritual Cafe: Monthly Discussion Group
Wednesday, September 18 In-Person or Online
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
In these challenging times, there is a noticeable shift in spiritual awareness – but often times we don’t know where to begin. This ongoing monthly discussion group meets to share experiences, as questions and gain insight in a safe, fun and supportive environment!
Connecting With Our Spirit Guides
Connecting With Our Spirit Guides: Mother Mary
Thursday, September 19 Online
7:00 pm-8:45 pm
In this monthly class, Ellen will lead a discussion and meditation about Spirit Guides to help learn, identify and connect with your team. Everyone has Guides and Animal Totems that walk with us in spirit during our lifetime, teaching and guiding us. Spirit Guides are spiritual allies that support us along our path.
Destiny Divination or Healing Sessions with Renee Walsh
Destiny Divination or Healing Sessions with Renee Walsh

A Destiny session reveals the plan we designed for this lifetime. Combined with an extensive healing background, Renee supports deep inner work for your soul growth.

Spiritual Cafe: Monthly Discussion Group
Spiritual Cafe: Monthly Discussion Group
Wednesday, September 18 In-Person or Online
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
In these challenging times, there is a noticeable shift in spiritual awareness – but often times we don’t know where to begin. This ongoing monthly discussion group meets to share experiences, as questions and gain insight in a safe, fun and supportive environment!
Usui Holy Fire III ART/Reiki Master Workshop
Usui Holy Fire III ART/Reiki Master Workshop
Friday, September 6-Sunday, September 8 In-Person
10:00 am-2:30 pm
Usui Holy Fire III ART/Reiki is an enhanced energy and comes from a higher level of consciousness.  Although subtle many notice the way it spontaneously heals issues as they arise.  It is a much more profound and powerful energy than previous methods. This Master training combines both Advanced Reiki and the full Usui/Holy Fire III Master training which is accomplished through the completion of three days of intensive classes.
Holy Fire Usui Reiki: Level 1 Intensive
Holy Fire Usui Reiki: Level 1 Intensive
Tuesday, October 8 In-Person
10:00 am-2:30 pm
Join us for this Intensive, interactive version of Holy Fire Usui Reiki, Level 1 Intensive. We will cover all aspects of Holy Fire Usui Reiki in this condensed version as we discover the wonderful world of energy healing and the many benefits it can provide you and those around you.
Holy Fire Usui Reiki: Level 2 Intensive
Holy Fire Usui Reiki: Level 2 Intensive
Wednesday, October 9 In-Person
10:00 am-2:30 pm
Join us for this Intensive, interactive version of Holy Fire Usui Reiki, Level 2 Intensive. We will cover all aspects of Holy Fire Usui Reiki in this condensed version as we discover the wonderful world of energy healing and the many benefits it can provide you and those around you.

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You're Going to Be Okay
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