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Gene Ang
Gene Ang, Ph.D. has a healing practice based in Thousand Oaks, California and sees clients for Reconnective Healing, the Reconnection, Pranic Healing, Vortex Healing, Shamanic Healing and Biogeometry. In addition, he teaches a number of seminars that focus on the integration of science, spirituality, and healing.
Gene Ang has taken the Foundation (Levels 1-3) and Advanced (Levels 4-6) of Biogeometry from Dr. Robert Gilbert of the Vesica Institute in Asheville, North Carolina. Gene has also studied directly with Dr. Ibrihim Karim, founder of Biogeometry, on various special topics including using the Biogeometry Brain Shapes and the Planes of Nature Ruler. Currently only people specifically trained by Dr. Karim are using the Biogeometry Brain shapes in professional practice.
Gene earned his Ph.D in Neurobiology from Yale University. He also finished a post-doctoral fellowship there studying the effects of ultrasound on the developing cerebral cortex. He taught Neuroanatomy for 8 years at Yale Medical School during this time. He also taught at the undergraduate college at Yale University in the Cognitive Neuroscience course where he won two Graduate Teaching Prizes for excellence in teaching. His passions include Neuroscience, consciousness, and energy medicine.
After his post-doctoral fellowship, Gene decided to step into the role of a facilitator of healing in order to directly interact with and help people. Gene travels around the United States facilitating healing sessions and workshops. Most of his work centers around the use of subtle energy to help align the subtle energy body, its channels, meridians, and energy centers to help restore balance and harmony so that healing can occur, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual.
Gene doesn't see himself as the healer but simply as part of the interconnectedness that occurs when facilitator, client, and Source/Love/God interact to bring healing forth. He sees his teaching engagements and seminars as an extension of this interaction that occurs on multiple dimensions to bring wholeness and understanding to all involved.
Private Sessions
Dr. Gene Ang is holding energy healing sessions based on cutting-edge healing modalities. He offers two different types of sessions which can be tailor-made for each client.
Digital Products by Gene
Video: Connecting with the Galactic Center
This is a video presentation of an event held off site at the Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, 660 Great Pond Rd in North Andover, MA on Saturday, December 21, 2013. Although the event occurred on the powerful date of the Winter Solstice, people can still take advantage of connecting with the Galactic Center throughout this year.
Video: Initiates of Mani
This is an initiation class meant to help people remember their connection to the spiritual stream started by the being known at various times as Mani, Manu, or Melchizedek. The Manichaeism stream is known as a redemptive stream and initiates of this lineage have dedicated their lifetimes towards transforming evil into good through love.
Video: Quantum Spoon Bending: A Model for Healing & Transformation
This is an online video presentation of Gene's popular class filmed at Circles of Wisdom. These techniques are used to offer valid proof of our own ability to alter physical reality! Watch anytime! Gene Ang, PhD recently bent this twisted fork using new quantum healing techniques which clearly proved to him the ability of those techniques to alter physical reality. For people who have taken the original spoon bending class, "The Alchemy of Spoon Bending," they have experienced first hand that techniques based on energy can soften the metal of spoons and forks enough so that what was not easily bent using physical force becomes miraculously malleable and easily bent.
Video: Transpersonal Chakra
This recorded evening seminar is an in-depth study and practice utilizing and integrating the 3 chakras above the body and 3 chakras below the body with the entire energy field. We will start the evening understanding the structure and function of these transpersonal energy centers and how they relate to the energy centers found within the physical body.
Video: Uncollapsing the Wave: Beyond Quantum Physics in Healing
This 2½-hour class goes over the most recent concepts in healing utilizing quantum and beyond quantum models. Quantum Physics states that all things are arising out of the quantum void. This quantum void--or zero point energy--contains all possible outcomes and infinite potential. However, as soon as consciousness views a particular outcome, then all these infinite possibilities collapse into that particular case. In Quantum Physics terms, this is called collapsing the wave function.
Workbook: Quantum Spoon Bending
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Learn over 10 techniques to make metal soft demonstrating to yourself that there is more to physical reality than meets the eye. The book also covers in-depth the application of the techniques to healing and other aspects of transformation in your life.