
Exploring the Power of the Moon Phases: How They Affect Us

Renee Walsh



AvailableSeats: 60

Saturday, October 19
11:00 am-1:00 pm EST

  • Please email instructor with your birth date, time and place of birth (exact birth time is not necessary)

Many of us are already aware that the Moon has a strong effect on our emotions.  Who are we without our emotions?!  The Moon is also known to affect the tides, the water on our planet.  As humans, a large part of us is made up of water so it should come as no surprise that it has such a strong effect on us.  We each have a personal relationship with the Moon energy, discover your connections to this energy!  Join us for this powerful workshop as we gain an understanding of some of the many facets of the Moon and her incredible power.  

In this workshop we will learn:

  • The Big Picture – the overall progression of the Moon over our entire lifetime and how it reveals some of the more significant periods
  • The Moon phase you were born under and how that affects your life path
  • The Moon phase you are currently dealing with and what you need to better understand this influence

As we gain insight into how the Moon impacts our emotions and discover more about our own “Moon path” we gain a better understanding of where we are presently.  In addition, we are able to obtain more clarity or validation on what we need to move forward in our own lives.

These techniques are easy to grasp and do not require any specific astrological knowledge.  Your birth date, time and place will be useful but we do not use natal charts.  We deal specifically with the Moon and the Moon phases only.

Join us for this illuminating workshop and discover how to best work with your own emotional nature!

Renee Walsh

Renee Walsh

Renee's journey of self-discovery began in the mid-1990s when she questioned her "place" in the corporate world. She delved into a variety of metaphysical modalities, including meditation techniques, crystal therapies, Angel cards, and psychic development techniques. Her quest ultimately led her to the Destiny Card system, which she found to be transformative.

In 2008, Renee fully committed herself to the Magi Fellowship, a group dedicated to the study of the Destiny Cards. Since then, she has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in various holistic practices and has earned certifications in Advanced Akashic Healing, Astrology, Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, and Melchizedek & Arcturian Healing methods.

Renee offers individualized personal consultations and relationship readings using her mastery of the Destiny Cards. She also teaches classes on the Science of the Cards, allowing others to benefit from her wisdom and insight. With her additional certifications in various holistic practices, Renee is well-equipped to provide transformative healing sessions to her clients.

Whether you are seeking clarity about your life path or looking to heal and grow spiritually, Renee's services can guide you towards your goals. She is committed to helping individuals find their true purpose and live their best lives.

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